Thursday, October 15, 2009

How Obama could earn the Noble Peace Prize ( that he has already won)?

It was a practical joke, i thought when i came to know that Obama has won Noble Peace Prize...i cross checked in various media to ascertain the truth! Yes, Obama has indeed won it!

Sometimes, I wonder whether Obama is destined to achieve greater success for himself and USA...At a very young age of 48, he not only became the President ( with just 4 years senate experience that is considered very less) but drew attention of the entire world due to his triumpant hope over inexperience. He is a good Orator and can tie down others to his words of Hope and is destined to get re-elected. The task placed in front of him could not be completed in one term, i firmly believe. Definitely, Obama will earn the credits during the course of his Presidency. He has to as there is so much faith placed on him in return to the hopes he has raised in others.

Let us look at the US Foreign Policy where he has already got some achievements. He has successfully created a worthy dialogue on Nuclear Disarmament. He does not say " You are with us or against us" like Bush said. I am sure that he knows that he has to bring about Peace in the Middle East... He has to rebuild the tarnished image of US Foreign Policy...he has to decide quickly whether US should exit Iraq or not...whether he should send additional troops to Afghanistan or not...whether he should continue or free POW in Guantanamo prison or not.

The major task is getting his country out of recession quickly..the effort should be to focus completely on this aspect. There is one good thing..about Obama. He is enthusiastic and very hopeful that he can meet the requirement! Definitely, money would not be spent on Wars as done in the past.

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